Interested in becoming a Freemason?
What is Freemasonry?

In discussing Freemasonry, we can talk about Masonic Tradition, Masonic History, Masonic Philosophy, and Masonry Today. However, underlying all of these is the basic purpose of Freemasonry: make good men better.

We place emphasis on the individual man by strengthening his character, improving his moral and spiritual outlook, and broadening his mental horizons. We impress upon the minds of our members the principles of personal responsibility and morality, encouraging each member to practice in his daily life the lessons taught through symbols of the Craft.

One of the universal doctrines of Freemasonry is the belief in the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. The importance of this belief is established by each Mason as he practices the three principal tenets of Masonry: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

Masonry is also the custodian of a tradition of initiation. It is the duty of every Freemason to preserve and perpetuate this tradition for future ages. This is a heavy responsibility and should give pause to any who would seek to make changes in the body of the Craft, except those with the highest motives and deepest understanding of the principles involved.

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The Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Masons of California
California Masonic Memorial Temple
1111 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94108-2284    (415) 776-7000